I was made aware of an issue with this site yesterday afternoon.
It appears a problem with a WordPress plugin meant that if you went to the main page of this blog (i.e. http://greenmonk.net) the most recent posting you saw was dated June 2nd of this year.
If, however, you were logged into the site, as I usually am, you saw all the posts, as normal. Even the ones posted after June 2nd, so I was unaware of any issue with the site.
When I was made aware of the problem, I mentioned it on Twitter and my good friend Abesh Bhattacharjee chimed in with the likely cause of the problem.
Abesh correctly identified the plugin which was causing the issue, I deleted it and now normal service has resumed once more.
Apologies for any apparent break in transmission and thanks for bearing with me.
Photo credit tm-tm