Photo credit arekiiu
Here is this week’s Friday Green numbers round-up:
Vice President Biden today kicked off $7.2 billion in Recovery Act broadband grant and loan programs, of which $2 billion will be made available on a rolling basis over the next 75 days to bring high-speed Internet to communities that currently have little or no access to the technology.
Greenpeace Releases 2010 Green Electronics Rankings
This year’s annual Greenpeace “Guide to Greener Electronics” has been released, and it is a mixed bag. The lowest scores are higher than they were last year, but the highest scores are lower.
Tesco launches ‘Buy One, Get One Free Later’ for perishables – Brand Republic News – Brand Republic
Tesco has launched the first of its new “Buy One, Get One Free Later” deals in order to assist customers cut down on food waste.
Over the next two weeks Tesco will trial the concept across purchases of pineapples, melons, salads and lettuces. Customers can claim their free product on the same day or pick one up the following week.
Hong Kong?s Air Pollution Life-Threatening One in Every Eight Days Last Year : EcoWorldly
A report, citing figures obtained from the government, says Hong Kong?s roadside air pollution reached life-threatening levels one in every eight days last year.
The air pollution index was recorded by the Environmental Protection Department. It said there were 44 days of ?very high pollution? last year. That number is up from the 39 reported days in 2008 and the 13 days in 2005
Climate Numerology: How Much Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Is Safe?: Scientific American
Last December world leaders met in Copenhagen to add more hot air to the climate debate. That is because although the impacts humanity would like to avoid?fire, flood and drought, for starters?are pretty clear, the right strategy to halt global warming is not. Despite decades of effort, scientists do not know what ?number??in terms of temperature or concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?constitutes a danger.
Samsung wins $6 billion turbine deal with Canadian province – Yahoo! News
A South Korean consortium led by Samsung C&T Corporation has won a $6 billion deal to supply renewable energy equipment to the Canadian province of Ontario, the company said on Thursday
NASA Unveils Zero Emission Icarus Electric Aircraft – Ecofriend
These days NASA is busy building a single passenger vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that runs on electric motors. It is 3.7 meters high and stands on 4 extendable legs when on the ground. It can achieve a maximum speed up to 480 km per hour, while the cursing speed is 240.
Britain Unveils Plans for 1,300 Square Miles of Wind Turbines | Inhabitat
Take 100 billion pounds, a plan to create 60,000 jobs, and the urgent need to end an addition to fossil fuels, and what do you get? The first steps in Britain?s plan to develop its offshore wind farm capabilities. The UK recently announced plans for two massive turbine farms, and has set a target of producing 33 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2020 ? a 3000% increase over current capacity.
5000 MW of Solar Power in India Touted Under Clinton Climate Initiative Plans : TreeHugger
It’s been eighteen months since the Clinton Foundation began delving into facilitating solar power in India. At the time it was to scope out developing some 5 GW of power in the state of Gujarat. Now comes word that the Clinton Climate Initiative and the state of Rajasthan (just north of Gujarat) have signed a memorandum of understanding that will have CCI examining the feasibility of developing some 3,000-5,000 MW worth of solar power plants in the state:
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.