Photo credit Unhindered by Talent
Here is this Friday’s Green Numbers round-up:
Nissan: 500,000 Electric Cars by 2012 – News – Automotive Fleet
Nissan is planning for a production capacity of 500,000 Leaf electric cars in North America, Japan and Europe by 2012, the Chicago Tribune reported.
Carbon capture storage will ‘generate 100,000 jobs and ?6.5bn a year’ | Environment | guardian.co.uk
The UK’s carbon capture and storage (CCS) sector will be able to sustain 100,000 jobs by 2030 and generate up to ?6.5bn a year, the government claimed today.
Unveiling a new strategy to encourage the growth of CCS, the energy and climate change secretary, Ed Miliband, said it represents a “massive industrial growth opportunity”.
Report: Shell CEO expects plug-in cars to reach 40% market share… in 2050 ? Autoblog Green
Forty years is a long, long time from now, so making predictions about the state of the world in 2050 is a pretty easy thing to do. Who’s going to remember to fact check you? Nobody, that’s who. Still, it’s worth noting that Shell chief executive Peter Voser said yesterday that he expects plug-in vehicles to make up up to 40 percent of the global car market in 2050
Daylight saving time doesn?t save energy
You can’t save daylight by moving around the hands on your clock, of course. So daylight saving time remains as absurdly named as it ever was.
The general pointlessness of DST was the subject of a Rachel Maddow interview Friday (video below) with the author of a whole book (!) on the subject.
What’s germane here is that DST saves about as much energy as light, according to most studies. In fact, a 2008 study found DST “may actually waste energy”
“Energy efficiency can create 38,000 new jobs for North Carolinians while saving consumers $3.6 billion in energy bills, according to a new report released today by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The report, North Carolina?s Energy Future: Electricity, Water, and Transportation Efficiency, suggests a broad set of policies that can meet nearly a quarter of the state?s energy demand and enables North Carolina to become a national leader in clean energy development and deployment while boosting the state?s economic growth.
Denver International Airport sewage spill of 1m gallons may head for Barr Lake
The largest airport in the country, with the ?greenest? parking lot, is in a bit of environmental trouble: a DIA raw sewage spill may have sent a million gallons of disgusting into waterways that can feed into the Barr Lake fishery and bird sanctuary (enjoy that, bald eagles).
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.