
I see Google have published an article o…

I see Google have published an article on their ambitions to achieve carbon neutrailty . It is not a bad piece (if you ignore the strong emphasis on offsets).

However, what is supremely disappointing is Google’s complete lack of any attempt at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. Most significant IT companies have a CSR site with downloadable CSR reports. Most conform to the Global Reporting Initiative standards.

The only significant IT player I found who doesn’t do any sustainability reporting whatsoever is Amazon! Obviously Amazon doesn’t believe in sustainability.


I wrote a post back in January wondering…

I wrote a post back in January wondering if inkjet printer manufacturers would ever ship inkjet printers with inkwells instead of cartridges but wasn’t very optimistic about it ever coming to pass!

It turns out Xerox are doing just that with their solid ink printers! You buy the blocks of ink (no cartridge), drop them in the ‘well’ where they are liquified and printed from! Brilliant!


IBM has signed a new services agreement …

IBM has signed a new services agreement with Germany’s Federal Employment Agency, Bundesagentur fur Arbeit (BA) to help the agency file, distribute, process and manage documents electronically.

Given how much energy and water goes into paper production and transportation, this move to e-government has got to be a big win for the planet!

See for more


New look!

I saw a post by Matt Mullenweg of Automattic talking up a new WordPress theme called P2. Play the short video above to learn more about it.

Its main advantages are that it promotes more easy dialog on the site. I figured this has to be a good thing, so I’m rolling it out here.

Please, let me know what you think in the comments (seeing as commenting has now become that much easier!).


GreenMonk news roundup 05/06/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


GreenMonk news roundup 05/05/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


May 4th GreenMonk Energy & Sustainability show

Today’s GreenMonk Energy and Sustainability show was quieter than normal due to it being a bank holiday in both Ireland and the UK, however, we still had a total of 24 viewers according to Ustream!

I also rolled out a new Yshout chat application on the new GreenMonkTV page – this means I won’t be tied to Ustream as a video platform for the show and will be able to move to other providers as I find them.

Here is the chatstream from today’s show:

04:30 Tom Raftery: Hi everyone!
04:31 Tom Raftery: Anyone see or hear me?
04:33 TolkienLibrary: is workign fine
04:33 Tom Raftery: Is the chat appearing for people?
04:34 TolkienLibrary: i’m on safari 3 on apple
04:38 TolkienLibrary: don’t see the link… did you post it here?
04:39 Tom Raftery:
04:39 TolkienLibrary: ok cool see it now
04:39 Tom Raftery:
04:41 Tom Raftery:
04:42 mikeTheBee: testing from Safari/Mac
04:43 TolkienLibrary: long live the mac!
04:43 mikeTheBee: Ah, works on Mac not on FF3.0.10 on XP
04:44 mikeTheBee: or LCD paper?
04:45 mikeTheBee: And they interfere with IR remote controls while warming up
04:45 mikeTheBee: or is it OLED paper?
04:46 Tom Raftery:
04:46 mikeTheBee: lol
04:47 mikeTheBee: Who else is watching?
04:47 TolkienLibrary: Insanity!
04:48 Tom Raftery:
04:52 mikeTheBee: It is a sun thing
04:52 mikeTheBee: But Veg is Better in Spain?
04:52 Tom Raftery:
04:54 Tom Raftery:
04:57 TolkienLibrary: taking siesta probably
04:58 mikeTheBee: Another sun thing 🙁
04:58 Tom Raftery:
04:59 cgarvey: Would love to see a virtual tour of the Abengoa, if they do respond!
05:00 Tom Raftery:
05:02 TolkienLibrary: windmills on the chinese wall… the longest eco piece of art in the world!
05:03 Tom Raftery:
05:04 Tom Raftery:
05:05 mikeTheBee: There is a video on the website rather poor though, Tom would do much better!
05:07 cgarvey: thanks for the show Tom
05:08 TolkienLibrary:
05:08 cgarvey: chat issue was cookies-related .. you need Cookies enabled to take part
05:08 TolkienLibrary: did you read about the google goats?
05:08 mikeTheBee: Thx Tom gr8 info as always
05:08 Tom Raftery: Any more comments/stories/links?
05:10 Tom Raftery: and for all the great comments, info and links
05:10 mikeTheBeeXP: Thx CG for sussing it.
05:10 Tom Raftery: Thanks everyone for coming along
05:10 mikeTheBeeXP: Voila
05:10 TolkienLibrary: thnxs Tom… good show once again!
05:10 mikeTheBeeXP: Test from XP with cookies
05:17 mikeTheBeeXP: I miss seeing who else is online though.
05:18 Energy4America: Actually, here in the Bay Area “letting weeds grow” is a bad idea, goats or no. No water thru summer, invasive species, etc. But can plant natives for low water landscape.
05:19 Energy4America: Glad I was up early enough to catch the show!


GreenMonk news roundup 05/04/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


GreenMonk news roundup 05/02/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.