Photo credit Tom Raftery (me!)
IBM are hosting a 9 day Sustainability Summit at Start in the UK this week (and next obviously!).
Start is an initiative inspired by the Prince of Wales Charities Foundation to help people “lead more sustainable lives and to show what a more energy efficient, cleaner and healthier future could look like”.
IBM are leading the business part of the Summit and they have a great line-up of topics:
- Day 1 – Smarter Cities for a Sustainable Future
- Day 2 – Smarter Energy for a Sustainable Future
- Day 3 – Smarter Transport for a Sustainable Future
- Day 4 – People and Skills for a Sustainable Future
- Day 5 – Start Young for a Sustainable Future
- Day 6 – Smarter Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future
- Day 7 – Finance and Sustainability
- Day 8 – Smarter Analytics for a Sustainable Future
- Day 9 – Smarter Business for a Sustainable Future
I’m not going to be able to attend days 4-6 but am really looking forward to the other sessions – sustainability geekery heaven!
I’ll have camera equipment with me and although the sessions themselves are being held under Chatham House Rules, I’ll be sure to nab interviews with as many of the attendees as I can!
You will be able to follow the non-Chatham House Rules talks on Twitter using the hashtag #ibmstart starting on Wednesday this week (Sept 8th) and continuing on until Thursday next week (Sept 16th).
[…] I’ll be at IBM Start this week (and next!) (greenmonk.net) […]