Photo credit Jeremy Brooks
2009 set to be ‘in top five warmest’ years ever
This year will be one of the top five warmest years globally since records began 150 years ago, according to figures compiled by the Met Office.
The UK’s weather service projects that, unless there is an exceptionally cold spell before the end of the year, temperatures will be up on last year.
Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense: Scientific American
“a partial list of the contrarians’ bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them.”
Five eco-crimes we commit every day
“WHEN the UN Climate Change Conference opens in Copenhagen next month, all eyes will be on the delegates’ efforts to broker a deal that will prevent catastrophic global warming. Yet amid all the talk of caps, targets and trading, it is easy to forget who is ultimately responsible for the mess we find ourselves in. I have long argued that climate change begins at home. Each of us in the developed world has played our part in creating this problem and, while there is no doubt that coordinated global action is needed to tackle it, we can each be part of the solution.
So, ask yourself this: how green am I really? You might think you are doing your bit for the environment, but even if you shun bottled water, buy local produce and reuse your plastic bags, chances are that you have some habits that are far more environmentally damaging than you realise. What’s more, if everyone else is doing these things too, their detrimental effects really add up.”
News – EU could easily make 40 per cent cuts by 2020 – The Ecologist
“Phasing out fossil fuels, encouraging faster take-up of renewables and making radical improvements in energy efficiency would double Europe’s emission cuts, says study
The EU could double its target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 without resorting to building new nuclear power stations or unproven technologies like Carbon Capture and storage (CCS), according to research released by the Stockholm Environment Institute. “
Bord Gais nears deal in €500m windfarm acquisition – Irish, Business – Independent.ie
Irish energy co. BORD Gais is in exclusive talks to acquire the windfarm assets of SWS, the Cork-based energy and business services group, with some sources indicating that bidding topped the €500m mark.
Over $200 billion in Canadian assets at risk from global warming: report
More than $200-billion worth of Canadian assets are at risk from global warming, says an international report released Monday.
The research was prepared for WWF-Germany and Allianz Group by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in the United Kingdom.
South Korea set its carbon reduction target at 30 per cent : Environment
“South Korea said ahead of this month’s climate summit in Copenhagen that it faces challenges in meeting its proposed emission target. Economy Minister Choi Kyung Hwan confirmed Seoul’s target of reducing emission of greenhouse gases by 30 per cent of the 2020 business-as-usual levels.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
[…] While we “don’t do numbers” here at RedMonk, I come across many interesting numbers each week. Below are some. And don’t forget: we’re also chock full of interesting green-related numbers over at Greenmonk! […]