US coal stands in way of Copenhagen | Jeffrey Sachs | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
“It’s not India and China that threaten the success of a new climate change treaty, but senators of coal-producing US states”
Spanish wetland facing destruction as farming starves it of water | Environment | guardian.co.uk
“The EU has begun an investigation into a unique Spanish wetland park that is being devastated by underground fires.
Local officials have admitted that mismanaged water resources at the Tablas de Daimiel national park may never recover. “We are on the point of losing the Tablas de Daimiel,” said Josep Puxeu, Spain’s secretary for state for water.”
Oil spill ‘massive’ risk to Australian animals – Yahoo! News
“A massive oil and gas leak off Australia’s northwest coast was killing seabirds and threatening thousands of marine animals, conservationists warned Friday.
Oil company PTTEP Australasia is preparing to make a fourth attempt at plugging the leaking Montara wellhead, which has been spewing oil, gas and condensate into the Timor Sea since August 21.
The spill is reportedly Australia’s worst since offshore drilling began more than 40 years ago.”
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Re. the coal-producing US states being an obstacle to the Copenhagen Summit, economics – in the form of rising gas and electricity prices in an unstable world market – could be the spur to the wider take up of renewable energy such as solar thermal. As companies such as SolarUK are finding out, homeowners are seeing solar technologies as increasingly cost-effective options. The UK solar market has enormous potential, although it currently lags a long way behind Germany.