UK probe into hazardous waste find – MSN Environment UK
British authorities in Brazil said they were taking “immediate steps” after more than 1,400 tonnes of hazardous UK waste was reportedly found in three of the country’s ports
Andrea Chalupa: Green Driving School: Ford Engineers on Eco-Coaching
Angie and Dave Watson, Ford engineers and the husband and wife team behind Ford’s new SmartGauge technology — a dashboard in new Ford hybrids that tells you when your driving is green, greener, greenest — explain the human psychology that went into this eco-coaching technology:
“Electric Scooter Hopeful Vectrix Shuts Down, Appears Headed for Bankruptcy” Green Car Advisor
While everybody and his brother (if Honda, Yamaha, BMW and Piaggio count) prepares to launch a new wave of electric scooters, one of the original players, Rhode Island-based Vectrix, is preparing to bow out.
A victim of the “good idea a little too soon” syndrome, Vectrix has told most of its employees adios and says the remaining staff is beginning “the process of preparing for a bankruptcy filing…”
Each unit of UK electricity is currently causing this much CO2:
Demanda de energía en tiempo real > Operación del sistema eléctrico > Red Eléctrica de España
Superb realtime & historic graphs of the structure of the electricity generation mix, demand and CO2 in the Spanish market
Tea, Arduino and Dynamic Demand
This green orb constantly polls the national power grid to see how it’s keeping up with demand, and subsequently whether your next cuppa will be a particularly carbon intensive one.
Sustainability is a big, big concept. Attempts to define it feel nearly impossible since it encompasses philosophy, ecology, economy, sociology and more.
Treehugger’s Jaymi Heimbuch writes a great essay on sustainability.
Google’s Chiller-less Data Center « Data Center Knowledge
Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems, a strategy that will improve its energy efficiency while making local weather forecasting a larger factor in its data center management
The Global Reporting Initiative now hails more than 1,000 organizations worldwide that have issued and registered sustainability reports in 2008 based on the GRI G3 Guidelines, which is the highest number recorded. This is a 46 percent increase of registered reporters versus 2007
Global Dashboard » Africa Influence and networks » Light Up Nigeria! (updated x4)
Despite being oil rich, Nigeria is desperately energy poor. Per capita electricity consumption is half that of nearby Ghana and even this limited supply is shockingly unreliable.
When the power shuts down – which it does all the time – people sit in the dark or, if they’re lucky, fire up generators that cost the country $140 billion to fuel (add a chunk more for capital and maintenance costs).
Pesticides called neonicotinoids are widely implicated in the deaths of honeybees across the world. Their use has been restricted in France, Germany and Italy. The Co-op banned their use in its products and last week, the Soil Association in Britain launched a petition to get them banned.
So it is a shock to discover that the British Bee Keepers’ Association (BBKA), a charity in its 135th year, is receiving money from one of the main manufacturers of the allegedly bee-killing brew, Bayer Crop Sciences, and endorsing some of its products as “bee-friendly”.
We’ve got a handle on plastic bags | Stephen Robertson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Seven of the UK’s leading supermarkets – who are all British Retail Consortium members – have met a tough target to halve the number of bags handed out by the end of May 2009. Their customers used almost 420m fewer carrier bags in the UK this May, compared with the same month in 2006 – an amazing 48% reduction.
Spy Satellite Sea Ice Images Finally Made Public | Wired Science | Wired.com
Super high-resolution spy satellites have been imaging sea ice at the poles for the last decade on behalf of earth scientists. But the images has been kept from the public and nearly all scientists, too.
The intelligence community is increasingly aware that some of these global environmental issues are also security issues. And in that sense, working with the scientific community in an open way helps both communities
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Hi, interesting topic – I have just bought an electric bike that I use to get to work everyday. I Just plug in at work to recharge it and then cycle home.
Absolutely love the bike, it was cheap and simple to use. I got it from http://www.elecbikeco.com they seemed good but I am sure there are many other companies out there too.
Good luck