Superb article on the ClimateProgress blog debunking global cooling and linear warming
400-billion-euro plan to pump African solar power to Europe – Yahoo! News
welve European companies launched a 400-billion-euro (560-billion-dollar) initiative Monday to plant huge solar farms in Africa and the Middle East to produce energy for Europe.
The consortium says the massive proposal could provide up to 15 percent of Europe’s electricity needs by 2050.
Engineering giants ABB and Siemens, energy groups E.ON and RWE and financial institutions Deutsche Bank and Munich Re are among the companies which signed a protocol in Munich.
Desert Sun: Europe’s Huge Solar Ambitions in the Sahara – Environmental Capital – WSJ
In unveiling the proposal, which calls for building huge swaths of solar thermal plants in the Sahara, wind farms on the North African coast, and high-voltage transmission lines to carry all that juice back to Europe, the Desertec companies first stressed all the business opportunities the plan would represent, then paid lip service to the environment.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
re: Saharan solar: Who cares if they paid lip service to the environment? If sharks are beginning to infest the waters then that means there are plenty of decent pickings for them to have bite at.
ie: business is getting the message more and more.
The terrible thing would be if it all stayed within the restricted confines of a bunch of guilt ridden powerless people who scurry around doing their recycling, hoping for the best and signing petitions!
(I wish they’d hurry up and get on with it, meanwhile)