Today’s GreenMonk Energy and Sustainability show was quieter than normal due to it being a bank holiday in both Ireland and the UK, however, we still had a total of 24 viewers according to Ustream!
I also rolled out a new Yshout chat application on the new GreenMonkTV page – this means I won’t be tied to Ustream as a video platform for the show and will be able to move to other providers as I find them.
Here is the chatstream from today’s show:
04:30 Tom Raftery: Hi everyone!
04:31 Tom Raftery: Anyone see or hear me?
04:33 TolkienLibrary: is workign fine
04:33 Tom Raftery: Is the chat appearing for people?
04:34 TolkienLibrary: i’m on safari 3 on apple
04:38 TolkienLibrary: don’t see the link… did you post it here?
04:39 Tom Raftery:
04:39 TolkienLibrary: ok cool see it now
04:39 Tom Raftery:
04:41 Tom Raftery:
04:42 mikeTheBee: testing from Safari/Mac
04:43 TolkienLibrary: long live the mac!
04:43 mikeTheBee: Ah, works on Mac not on FF3.0.10 on XP
04:44 mikeTheBee: or LCD paper?
04:45 mikeTheBee: And they interfere with IR remote controls while warming up
04:45 mikeTheBee: or is it OLED paper?
04:46 Tom Raftery:
04:46 mikeTheBee: lol
04:47 mikeTheBee: Who else is watching?
04:47 TolkienLibrary: Insanity!
04:48 Tom Raftery:
04:52 mikeTheBee: It is a sun thing
04:52 mikeTheBee: But Veg is Better in Spain?
04:52 Tom Raftery:
04:54 Tom Raftery:
04:57 TolkienLibrary: taking siesta probably
04:58 mikeTheBee: Another sun thing
04:58 Tom Raftery:
04:59 cgarvey: Would love to see a virtual tour of the Abengoa, if they do respond!
05:00 Tom Raftery:
05:02 TolkienLibrary: windmills on the chinese wall… the longest eco piece of art in the world!
05:03 Tom Raftery:
05:04 Tom Raftery:
05:05 mikeTheBee: There is a video on the website rather poor though, Tom would do much better!
05:07 cgarvey: thanks for the show Tom
05:08 TolkienLibrary:
05:08 cgarvey: chat issue was cookies-related .. you need Cookies enabled to take part
05:08 TolkienLibrary: did you read about the google goats?
05:08 mikeTheBee: Thx Tom gr8 info as always
05:08 Tom Raftery: Any more comments/stories/links?
05:10 Tom Raftery: and for all the great comments, info and links
05:10 mikeTheBeeXP: Thx CG for sussing it.
05:10 Tom Raftery: Thanks everyone for coming along
05:10 mikeTheBeeXP: Voila
05:10 TolkienLibrary: thnxs Tom… good show once again!
05:10 mikeTheBeeXP: Test from XP with cookies
05:17 mikeTheBeeXP: I miss seeing who else is online though.
05:18 Energy4America: Actually, here in the Bay Area “letting weeds grow” is a bad idea, goats or no. No water thru summer, invasive species, etc. But can plant natives for low water landscape.
05:19 Energy4America: Glad I was up early enough to catch the show!