Climate Change Opens New Avenue For Spread Of Invasive Plants
Plants that range northward because of climate change may be better at defending themselves against local enemies than native plants.
Los Angeles Unveils World’s Largest Solar Plan : CleanTechnica
San Francisco is usually designated the green capital of California, but now LA is trying to take the City by the Bay’s crown with the world’s largest solar plan. Yesterday, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced a long-range plan to gather enough solar power to meet 10 percent of LA’s energy needs by 2020.
Giant wind farms could steer storms – Discovery.com- msnbc.com
Mega wind farms of the future could have a major impact on weather, clearing up cloudy skies and even steering storm systems, according to new research.
Frederick company creates ‘heat of the future’
A clear glass toaster; a plane of glass that can heat a living room; a device that helps relieve arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome pain; a less-damaging, more energy-efficient hairdryer — these have all been created by Impression Technology, a nanotechnology start-up headquartered in Frederick and run in large part by three city residents.
The young company has perfected a new, “green” technology it calls Pure Heat, which offers, among other benefits, a way to generate evenly distributed heat at a 70 percent electricity savings over conventional heating methods. The kicker is the technology can be applied to essentially any non-flexible surface, and it is entirely transparent.