National Grid plans smart grid test in Massachusetts
If all goes as planned National Grid will launch a smart grid pilot programme involving 15,000 customers in Worcester, Massachusetts. It will be the largest and most detailed test of its kind in all of New England. National Grid announced the plan on March 31 and submitted the proposal to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on April 1.
EnergyAustralia, Australia’s largest electricity distribution network, today announced an agreement with IBM (NYSE: IBM) for the implementation of an energy network monitoring and control solution.
E.P.A. Uses Wanted List to Hunt Environmental Law Breakers – NYTimes.com
The E.P.A.’s list, complete with mug shots of the fugitives, was established in December to try to draw attention to serious environmental crimes.
Antarctic ice shelf half the size of Scotland on verge of collapse | World news | The Observer
A huge ice shelf in the Antarctic is in the last stages of collapse and could break up within days in the latest sign of how global warming is thought to be changing the face of the planet.
New gum could mean sticky end for mess – CNN.com
British authorities and environmental groups were welcoming the launch this week of the world’s first biodegradable chewing gum, which they say could help save some of the millions spent on clearing up the mess ordinary gum creates.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.