Mon, 2 Nov, 16:30 Tom Raftery : Kicking off now
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:30 MikeTheBee : Sound and Vid ok
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:30 Daithi : Grand
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:32 MikeTheBee : Ah I missed the tab, looked for link in the side menu
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:32 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:34 MikeTheBee : Yep, we have been “passing ships” I caught the recordings later.
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:36 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:36 MikeTheBee : Tom, your scrolling ‘bottom third’ is obscured by the LS one.
There is a gas leak as well in a nearby probs, just FYIMon, 2 Nov, 16:38 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:38 cgarvey : That’s quite a disaster .. wonder why it hasn’t made the mainstream media before now. Pity Oil slick
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:40 MikeTheBee : Tom is the new ‘mainstream’
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:40 Tom Raftery :, 2 Nov, 16:42 MikeTheBee : I do not believe that
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:44 Tom Raftery :, 2 Nov, 16:47 MikeTheBee :I would want to look at the questions asked.
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:47 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:49 MikeTheBee : Maybe Britons trust what the gov are doing, or says it is doing, to address climate change.
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:49 Joe Garde : oh dear… Indonesia, unbelievable
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:50 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:52 Joe Garde : always – it tastes better too
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:53 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:53 Joe Garde :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:54 MikeTheBee : The first Scottish wine will be ready soon
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:55 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 16:57 Tom Raftery :, 2 Nov, 16:59 MikeTheBee : There are Irish vineyards already.
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:01 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:03 cgarvey : Nice resource.
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:03 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:04 Daithi : I’m a data centre electrical and mech installer Vg
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:05 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:05 Daithi : I havent ..I know gtrat great
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:06 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:06 Joe Garde : trinity are also involved – solar flares
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:07 Tom Raftery :
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:10 Joe Garde : btw “The melting of the glaciers in the Himalayas is a serious concern for us” in case you missed it I arrived late
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:12 MikeTheBee : they are base on Statewide utility monopolies
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:12 cgarvey : All good, thanks Tom
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:12 Daithi : Thanks Tom…good show again and thanks for the riveting saga with Air Berlin on twitter.
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:13 MikeTheBee : Could you consider moving the Google Calendar link to below the chat-box. This would get the chat-box closer to the video window and use the screen-estate better.Good stuff well done on the show.
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:13 Joe Garde : cheers Tom have a good one
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:13 CraigS : thanks
Mon, 2 Nov, 17:14 Tom Raftery :Thanks everyone for the interest and contributions