constructireland.ie – Ireland ranked fourth in the world for wind power
“Ireland now ranks fourth in the world for the contribution of wind energy to electricity use, according to the International Energy Agency’s 2008 Wind Energy Annual Report.
Ireland, which supplies 8.7% of electricity demand from wind, is only behind Denmark (19.3%), Spain (11.7%) and Portugal (11.3%).”
“Microsoft recently updated itscomputer purchasing standards to make sure that all the PCs we buy for our employees meet the latest energy efficiency standards from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Microsoft now requires that all PCs purchased through our standard MS IT channels will meet EPA Energy Star 5.0 requirements.”
News – Emissions from tar sands seriously underestimated – The Ecologist
“Governments and companies making no effort to quantify the real climate impacts
Greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands operations are being significantly under-reported according to new research by Global Forest Watch Canada.”
Newfoundland Town of 800 People Told to Get Tested for Dangerously High Levels of Mining Toxins
“An entire town of 800 people in Newfoundland has been urged by health authorities to get blood tests for lead poisoning from a now-closed lead and zinc mine.
At a community meeting, three provincial cabinet ministers told the shocked residents of Buchans preliminary soil samples show “dangerously high” levels of lead in and around the five-square mile mine site, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Wednesday.”
Kingsnorth power station plans shelved by energy group E.ON | Environment | guardian.co.uk
“Environmental campaigners were celebrating tonight after controversial plans for a new coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent were shelved, as the company behind the scheme postponed the project and blamed the recession.”
Daily Kos: Oceans Turn Acidic & Hypoxic in Fertile Zones from Arctic to Antarctica: DK Greenroots
“Unexpectedly rapid increases in the acidity of the Arctic Ocean, affecting the Arctic food chain, reported Sunday are part of a larger problem of acidification in the most fertile regions in the global oceans. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning have raised atmospheric CO2 levels, increasing the acidity of the oceans because CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid.
Approximately 1/3 of all CO2 emissions to date have been taken up by the oceans, raising the acidity of the water. Because cold water takes up more CO2 than warm water, cold nutrient rich polar regions and tropical and temperate upwelling regions that support most of the ocean’s biological activity are acidifying fastest. Cold, acidic waters, will dissolve the shells of sensitive marine organisms, breaking the food chain, in the most fertile, oxygen generating, areas of the oceans”
Apple deletes the US Chamber | On Sustainability | ZDNet.com
“Back in May I wrote about how the US Chamber was losing friends fast with its ‘head in sand’ position on climate change. Since then things have seriously started to descend into farce. In fact, its now almost a PR badge of honour for members to publicly upbraid the hapless Chamber and its CEO John Donohue on climate change.”
Cisco Launches German Smart Grid Project – News – eWeekEurope.co.uk
“Cisco is partnering with a German electric company, Yello Strom, in a smart grid project designed to create a system that will help businesses and residents measure and control the energy consumption of their appliances”
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.