This might seem a little circular but i would just like to thank Dan from Greenbang for his kind words about our unconference on Monday.
It seems to Greenbang that holding an energy-saving conference in Las Vegas is quite a funny thing to do. But if you are going to hold a global conference, why not do it in front of some show girls. You just get much more out of your meetings than you would with video conferencing. Energy Camp is a meet-up dedicated to the reduction of information technology’s global carbon footprint.
Actually though Energy Camp is about reducing energy footprints across all of our activities, not just those that are IT-related. Keynote speaker Rob Bernard, Microsoft’s new sustainability czar takes a widescreen view- which is one reason I am so excited about the show. For him IT is only 3% of the problem…
Thanks to LaserGuided for the awesome picture of Vegas at night, under creativecommons Attribution 2.0 license.