I had a lot of content to get through on the Energy and Sustainability show today (but it was all great stuff!) so I had to go at quite a clip. Above is the video from this week’s show and see the chatstream below:
03:26 Tom Raftery: Hey all, kicking off the show in a couple of minutes
03:30 @jimjar: Hi Tom. Tuning in for the first time.
03:31 Tom Raftery: Quick audio/video check – anyone see/hear me/
03:31 kcorrick: Can hear you and see you.
03:31 @jimjar: No
03:33 @jimjar: You’ve still not come back
03:34 Tom Raftery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/22/europes-biggest-carbon-polluter-coal
03:35 Tom Raftery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/22/kingsnorth-protest-police-tactics
03:36 @jimjar: Glitch seems to be my end – you’re back
03:37 Tom Raftery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/23/police-arrests-vestas-protests
03:38 Tom Raftery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/27/big-green-gathering-climate-camp
03:40 Tom Raftery: http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/010174.html
03:42 Tom Raftery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/26/climate-change-obama-administration
03:42 Patrick@CorkEnvForum: We have tickets for the BGG – very disappointed about the late announcement. Seems designed to destroy the festival for the future also.
03:44 Tom Raftery: http://www.mmu.ac.uk/news/news-items/news-detail.php?id=1066
03:45 Tom Raftery: http://planetgreen.discovery.com/work-connect/magic-number-save-planet.html
03:47 Tom Raftery: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/07/london-2012-olympics-targets-for-walking-cycling-public-transportation.php
03:48 Tom Raftery: http://earth2tech.com/2009/07/20/doe-rolls-out-47m-for-smart-grid-demos-unveils-first-smart-grid-status-report/
03:49 Tom Raftery: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/07/vancouver-burrard-bridge-bike-bicycle-lane-trial.php
03:50 Tom Raftery: http://www.lifesaversystems.com/aboutus.html
03:51 Tom Raftery: http://www.ecofriend.org/entry/eco-tech-trashed-lcd-screens-have-medicinal-value-study
03:52 Tom Raftery: http://www.sust-it.net/home.php
03:54 Tom Raftery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/22/wine-animals
03:55 Tom Raftery: http://www.insidethebottle.org/finland-study-finds-tap-water-purer-bottled-water
03:56 Tom Raftery: http://www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/07/22/fair-trade-chocolate-hits-mainstream
03:58 Tom Raftery: http://en.cop15.dk/news/view%20news?newsid=1748
03:59 Tom Raftery: http://dornob.com/shipping-eco-friendly-products-in-multifunctional-packages/
04:00 Tom Raftery: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/07/fedex-converts-92-delivery-trucks-to-diesel-electric-hybrids.php
04:00 Tom Raftery: http://www.intent.com/michellecook/blog/mosquito-free-naturally
04:02 Tom Raftery: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-july-21-2009/steven-chu
04:03 @jimjar: Great round-up, Tom, and love the format. Thanks! Will definitely try to tune in again soon.
04:04 Mrinal: Thanks Tom, enjoyed the show as always, enjoy your vacation
04:04 Patrick@CorkEnvForum: Good show – have a good holiday.
04:05 Tom Raftery: Thanks jimjar – glad you enjoyed it!
04:13 cgarvey: Missed the start and the end, but am catching up on the links and will get the recorded version later. Thanks, as always, Tom!
07:13 Tom Raftery: Thanks everyone for taking the time out to watch the show