
GreenMonk Energy and Sustainability show for Monday January 25th

We had a great show today – almost all positive stories and lots of interaction – see below for the transcript:

Tom Raftery :
Hey all – Monday Jan 25th, show kicking off in 10 mins

Alice :

Fabian :

Tom Raftery :

monkchips :
hello mate. we really need to establish better reminder mechanisms than twitter.
i missed your reminder!
and HELLO!

Tom Raftery :

mikethebee :
How about and alarm clock

monkchips :
is the turtleneck in honour of this week’s tablet?

Tom Raftery :

mikethebee :
Tom wishes his body to ‘disappear’ into the background

Tom Raftery :

monkchips :
to be fair Verdantix has done a stunning job of tracking the carbon accounting firms…
ya think?>
SAS – i really liked their honesty/approach

Tom Raftery :

mikethebee :
And our UK utility has just bumped up the price of the low user tier and reduced the upper usage tier price

Tom Raftery :

marilynpratt :
Wow more funding than Haiti received

Joe :
Great news from Better Place – just such a shame that the Olympics People decided to choose BMW rather than Nissan for the London Olympics, so we aren’t going to see a BetterPlace network in London by 2012…

Tom Raftery :

monkchips :
cathy lloyd? the topless model? 😉

Tom Raftery :

monkchips :

Tom- you should get the show transcribed every week.
get some blog posts out of it.

mikethebee :

I am tagging my green news on twitter with #greenmonk. I hope that will help ppl filter it for this show.

marilynpratt :
++! @monkchips

monkchips :
good show tom!

marilynpratt :

Alice :
All really interesting, thank you very much Tom

Ian B :
Thanks Tom

mikethebee :

Tom Raftery :
Thanks everyone for your time, interest and participation in the comments – always great

Joe :
Cheers Tom


15 Green Predictions for 2010

Looking into my crystal ball

Photo credit seanmcgrath

It is the end of the year – that time of year when everyone rolls out their X Predictions for 2010 post and, in that regard, GreenMonk is not going to be any different!

Well , maybe slightly different, some of the following predictions are more like hopes and aspirations on my part than likely outcomes!

  1. There will be an increasing emphasis on sustainability initiatives as organisations understand their financial benefits
  2. CSR reporting will become mandatory for large companies in the EU
  3. Companies will more and more look to IT to help them with their energy efficiency programs
  4. An heightened legislative emphasis on carbon reporting will spur the development of more carbon reporting software
  5. There will be greater and greater integration of carbon reporting functionality into ERP and financial reporting applications
  6. Standards will be agreed for energy and water footprint labels for products and services
  7. Water and energy footprint labels will be made mandatory in the EU
  8. At least one smart grid rollout in the US will fail spectacularly due, in large part, to poor stakeholder communications
  9. More and more Smart City initiatives will come on stream as cities aim to become more sustainable
  10. Mainstream car manufacturers will start to release plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles
  11. At least one major mobile phone handset manufacturer rolls out mobile phones with built-in environmental sensors (for crowd-sourced environmental data viewable in realtime with an Augmented Reality browser)
  12. Bluefin tuna stocks will crash in the atlantic
  13. It will be a record year for ice loss in the Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets
  14. It will be a record year for damage from hurricanes in the Atlantic and typhoons in the Pacific
  15. 2010 will be the warmest year on record due to the combined influence of El Niño and global warming
  16. and a bonus prediction for good luck:

  17. The US will finally pass climate legislation limiting CO2 emissions (but it won’t go far enough!)

SAP’s Sustainability Performance Management software launched

SAP BusinessObjects Sustainability Performance Management

I wrote a piece on SAP’s new Sustainability Performance Management (SPM) tool a few weeks back. At time of writing it was very much in the realms of speculation as the product was, as yet, unreleased.

Last Thursday, Dec 10th, SAP announced the release of the software and having been given a preview of the software the previous day by SAPs Charles Zedlewski, I thought it time to circle back with an update on my previous speculations.

It turns out that I jumped the gun a bit when I posited that:

SAP have taken the next logical step with their Sustainability report. They have productised it!

The current version of the SPM will not output a sustainability report similar to SAP’s hugely innovative one of earlier this year although executives I talked to would not rule out that coming in future versions.

What the SPM will do for organisations is reduce the amount of time spent tracking down, collating data and creating reports. It can automatically collect KPI data across all sustainability dimensions (economic, social and environmental) from a variety of sources, so customers can move beyond manual data collection and spreadsheet-based recording.

The library of nearly 400 KPI’s includes a variety of sustainability metrics, including those based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard as well as the Walmart sustainability index. If you require customisation (and what organisation doesn’t?) building your own custom KPIs or editing the installed ones is quite straightforward.

The data can be pulled from existing SAP apps within the organisation, it can integrate with 3rd party systems or information can be entered manually and then quickly reported either internally or externally. Audit trail functionality helps ensure integrity and transparency of the data.

Two further things I would like to see from this application are:
1. The ability to output at the touch of a button a Sustainability Report similar to SAP’s recent one and
2. An on-demand option (on-demand is SAP for SaaS!) – an on-demand version would ensure that organisations are always using a version which is abreast of the latest green regulations

Having said that, this is a very solid looking v1 with an intuitive UI and a very comprehensive back-end.

I have a call with SAS this afternoon to learn more about their SAS for Sustainability Management product – it will be interesting to see how it stacks up beside SAP’s SPM.

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IBM’s Software Analyst Connect event, Smarter Planet and sustainability

I attended IBM’s eighth annual Software Analyst Connect (#Connect09) last week in Connecticut. The theme of the event was “IBM Software for a Smarter Planet”.

You have to admire IBM for coming up with the Smart Planet branding strategy. Now anything Smart (Smart Cities, Smart Water even Smart Work) is automatically, subconsciously associated with IBM.

The Connect 09 event itself was superb. The delegates were all analysts and I was humbled to be in the company of so many really bright people.

It was a two day affair broken up into a healthy mix of keynotes, breakout sessions, round tables, an appliance showcase and chats with experts. The content level was very high and the networking opportunities were off the charts (I had face time with Steve Mills, Al Zollar, Sandy Carter and John Soyring (in the video above) to name-drop but a few).

The breakout sessions had titles like:

  • IBM’s Industry Frameworks and Solutions for a Smarter Planet
  • Driving Smarter Business Outcomes with Analytics and Information and
  • Smart Work and Dynamically Adaptive Collaboration

So while the content was quite in-depth and at times extremely technical, unfortunately there wasn’t a strong emphasis on sustainability. This is no big surprise as this was never billed as a sustainability-related event.

Having said that IBM’s larger Smarter Planet strategy talks very much to the Internet of Things vision where everything is instrumented with RFID tags or sensors and inter-connected which has massive potential implications for making the world more sustainable.

Then the talks from Steve Mills referenced IBM’s work with utilities in the Smart Grid arena and the development of the SAFE Framework while John Soyring talked up IBM’s work around the world on Smart Water initiatives.

The one use of the Smart X lingo which IBM use and I do object to is Smart Oilfields. The thinking goes that Smart Oilfields are ones that extract oil more efficiently from the ground. I’m sorry, but CO2 is a pollutant which is endangering all life on this planet. Anything which helps put more CO2 into the atmosphere, cannot be very smart.

It was spectacular to get a chance to record my chat with John Soyring about IBM’s work on water globally. Take 10 minutes to watch the video above. You’ll be glad you did.

Full disclosure, IBM is a client and paid my airfare (economy) to attend the event, accommodation and all delegates received a gift of a solar phone charger.


How to Reduce Energy Consumption in Retail: Change The Font On Your Cash Register

Yesterday I got an update from an ERP company called Epicor that primarily serves the mid-market. While I am not an ERP specialist its always interesting, as a middleware guy, to get a view from the app side. Greenmonk for obvious reasons also takes a keener view than the RedMonk mothership in applications in areas such as carbon accounting, energy and utility management.

Epicor seems to be doing quite well in the down economy, but I was most interested when Adam Prince, senior Director of Product Marketing started talking to Epicor’s Green Retail strategy. While any number of IT vendors are now all over the sustainability opportunity in their marketing and product management very few have joined the dots around explicit vertical industry opportunities. That said, here is a white paper from IBM and Intel on sustainable retail ops.

One of our clients, StreamServe, pitches paper reduction to utilities. Given how much paper utilities create this is a compelling vertical-focused story.

But Epicor introduced another interesting idea to me. Reducing carbon footprint by changing the font on Retail point of sale (POS) terminals. Seriously. Less ink and less printing means less power. Some might say the savings would be too small to measure, but actually in cash terms the efficiencies add up pretty fast. Epicor’s advisory and tech works with IBM and NCR POS gear.

Epicor Green Retail is a services-led approach: consultants and business analysts come in to review the business’s energy consumption, review current systems configurations, and make suggestions about mechanisms to reduce the energy footprint of stores.

While changing fonts is only part of the opportunity around POS, the overall numbers appear compelling.

According to Lynne Davidson, vice president, Services and Support for Epicor Retail:

“Based on calculations from the U.S. Department of Energy, retailers can achieve 500-600 kWh or an average of $70 of power savings per register/device per year. If applied to 500 registers, in three years this could translate to roughly $101,000 in savings, a reduction in CO2 emissions by 60 tons and, from an environmental standpoint, is equivalent to planting 125 acres of trees.”

Another thing to think about then – small changes do add up. Some sustainability initiatives may involve whole new supply chains – others are as simple as changing a font. Oh yeah- the retailer will save some money on ink too. 😉

photo courtesy of I would have used an IBM image, but they. are. so. miserable. Hey IBM Retail marketing people POS doesn’t have to be monochrome!


SAP’s new Sustainability Performance Management tool could be a real game-changer!

SAP BusinessObjects Sustainability Performance Management

Sustainability reporting is a bit all over the place. Standards, such as they are, are many, not widely agreed on, and are loosely observed.

One of the better sustainability reports to emerge this year was SAP’s. Unlike the staid PDF documents most companies put out, SAP’s is a website which allows reasonably deep linking ( here’s the section on SAP’s 2008 Carbon Footprint, for example – notice how you can change it to see footprint by region, KTon or Kg/employee, and get extra info by rolling the mouse over the charts). SAP also rolled out a discussion area where people can comment on SAP’s materiality and the Sustainability report.

Hugely impressive stuff from SAP and extremely innovative.

SAP regularly in discussions around sustainability make the point that while their carbon footprint of almost 500,000 tonnes per annum is significant, the combined footprint of their clientbase is 10,000 times their own! SAP are taking the line that while it is important for SAP to reduce their own emissions, helping reduce their clients carbon footprint could produce a far better long-term planetary outcome. As long as companies remember that, as I have said before, the correct order is Planet first, then People, and then Profit.

SAP have taken the next logical step with their Sustainability report. They have productised it!

Now the technology to produce a sustainability report similar to SAP’s will be available to all SAP customers. The app will connect into most ERP apps to pull out the data for Sustainability Performance Management reporting so being an SAP customer is not a pre-requisite for getting this to work, as far as I understand it.

The app comes with a library of 100+ sustainability framework reporting KPI’s, it comes with a ton of scorecards and dashboards for reporting, which allows companies to focus on improving sustainability performance as opposed to gathering data and compiling reports.

The product is not finalised yet and won’t be made available for another month or two but if it delivers on half of what it promises, it is a potential game changer in the world of sustainability reporting.

I hope to interview someone from SAP shortly to get more details on SAP’s Sustainability Performance Management tool, and as soon as I do, I will post the interview here.

[Disclosure – SAP talked to me about their Sustainability Performance Management at SAP TechEd 2009. They paid for my travel and accommodation to attend this event]


Monday Nov 2nd Energy and Sustainability show

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:30 Tom Raftery : Kicking off now

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:30 MikeTheBee : Sound and Vid ok

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:30 Daithi : Grand

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:32 MikeTheBee : Ah I missed the tab, looked for link in the side menu

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:32 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:34 MikeTheBee : Yep, we have been “passing ships” I caught the recordings later.

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:36 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:36 MikeTheBee : Tom, your scrolling ‘bottom third’ is obscured by the LS one.
There is a gas leak as well in a nearby probs, just FYI

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:38 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:38 cgarvey : That’s quite a disaster .. wonder why it hasn’t made the mainstream media before now. Pity Oil slick

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:40 MikeTheBee : Tom is the new ‘mainstream’

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:40 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:42 MikeTheBee : I do not believe that

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:44 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:47 MikeTheBee :I would want to look at the questions asked.

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:47 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:49 MikeTheBee : Maybe Britons trust what the gov are doing, or says it is doing, to address climate change.

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:49 Joe Garde : oh dear… Indonesia, unbelievable

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:50 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:52 Joe Garde : always – it tastes better too

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:53 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:53 Joe Garde :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:54 MikeTheBee : The first Scottish wine will be ready soon

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:55 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:57 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 16:59 MikeTheBee : There are Irish vineyards already.

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:01 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:03 cgarvey : Nice resource.

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:03 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:04 Daithi : I’m a data centre electrical and mech installer Vg

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:05 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:05 Daithi : I havent ..I know gtrat great

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:06 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:06 Joe Garde : trinity are also involved – solar flares

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:07 Tom Raftery :

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:10 Joe Garde : btw “The melting of the glaciers in the Himalayas is a serious concern for us” in case you missed it I arrived late

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:12 MikeTheBee : they are base on Statewide utility monopolies

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:12 cgarvey : All good, thanks Tom

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:12 Daithi : Thanks Tom…good show again and thanks for the riveting saga with Air Berlin on twitter.

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:13 MikeTheBee : Could you consider moving the Google Calendar link to below the chat-box. This would get the chat-box closer to the video window and use the screen-estate better.Good stuff well done on the show.

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:13 Joe Garde : cheers Tom have a good one

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:13 CraigS : thanks

Mon, 2 Nov, 17:14 Tom Raftery :Thanks everyone for the interest and contributions


19th October GreenMonk Energy & Sustainability show

Ok, I moved the Energy and Sustainability away from Ustream a couple of weeks back to try out LiveStream as I had had a couple of complaints about the quality. Today I tried out a new microphone and judging by the comments it seems to have been a good idea!

Here is the chatstream from today’s GreenMonk Energy & Sustainability show:

03:31 Tom Raftery: Audio & video check?
03:31 Tom Raftery: Anyone seeing and/or hearing me?
03:32 PTreacy: Got you now… Info
03:33 peter: Seeing and hearing you clearly, Tom.
03:35 Tom Raftery:
03:37 Tom Raftery:
03:40 Tom Raftery:
03:42 Tom Raftery:
03:44 Tom Raftery:
03:46 Tom Raftery:
03:47 Tom Raftery:
03:48 monkchips: hello all!
03:49 Tom Raftery:
03:50 Tom Raftery:
03:51 monkchips: you look very pale tom. but then i suppose, what else is new?
03:52 monkchips: pale and interesting, at least
03:52 marilynpratt: Sun in Vienna?
03:52 Tom Raftery:
03:53 Patrick Treacy: I’ve lost you Tom – is it me or you?
03:53 Patrick Treacy: Back again…
03:53 monkchips: you’re good
03:53 monkchips: its the chamber of commerce thats been disconnected… from reality
03:54 Tom Raftery:
03:55 Tom Raftery:
03:55 monkchips: found freakonomics VERY boring uninsightful myself
03:56 monkchips: most drug dealers dont make a lot of money. GENIUS INSIGHT! give me a ******* break. go to any major city, its pretty bloody obvious
03:58 monkchips: why the crap would we listen to economists on this? they are plonkers. they all said the world economy was in stable shape just three years ago
03:59 Tom Raftery:
03:59 monkchips: superficialnomics
04:00 Tom Raftery:
04:02 Tom Raftery:
04:03 Tom Raftery:
04:03 Tom Raftery:
04:03 marilynpratt: very interesting
04:04 Tom Raftery:
04:04 cgarvey: Cheers Tom!
04:05 Tom Raftery: Any comments etc?
04:05 Patrick Treacy: Great show thanks – I lost you a couple of times, but pretty sure it was me.
04:05 marilynpratt: daughter in law working with virus to kill coral fungus
04:05 Rich: Great show Tom
04:05 marilynpratt:
04:05 cgarvey: all was fine from here
04:05 Rich: Fine with me
04:05 marilynpratt: great show Tom
04:06 marilynpratt: excellent connection
04:06 marilynpratt: Yah
04:06 Patrick Treacy: Yes, think it was my end. Sound is very good this week – I did notice
04:06 monkchips: much better
04:07 marilynpratt: worth it then – cool
04:07 Ren: blimey, that was a big one
04:07 monkchips: that was your vibrator? what does the mic look like?
04:07 marilynpratt: bad
04:07 Patrick Treacy: you definitely need a lock for that door so…
04:08 Tom Raftery: And we’re out, thanks everyone for the attention and interest


September 28th Energy and Sustainability show

Here is today’s GreenMonk Energy & Sustainability show. I had a couple of problems with the audio setup starting out so the show started a couple of minutes later than normal. Unfortunately, for some reason the quality of the video recorded by Ustream was atrocious (as you can see above – no idea why that was, must look into an alternative for next week). In the meantime, the links from the shownotes below may be of use.

This being the week following the GridWeek conference in the US, as expected there are many Smart Grid references!

03:35 Tom Raftery: Are we doing better now?
03:35 Joe Garde: thats it tom
03:36 Joe Garde: audio on!
03:36 Tom Raftery: Sorry about that
03:37 Tom Raftery:
03:38 Tom Raftery:
03:38 Tom Raftery:
03:41 Tom Raftery:
03:41 Joe Garde: all was fine
03:41 cgarvey: Worked OK, yup
03:42 cgarvey: The video’s site is for further info (if you want to do that to yourself!)
03:42 Joe Garde: shocking Tom
03:43 Tom Raftery:
03:45 Tom Raftery:
03:46 Tom Raftery:
03:47 Tom Raftery:
03:48 Tom Raftery:
03:49 Tom Raftery:
03:49 Tom Raftery:
03:50 Tom Raftery:
03:51 Tom Raftery:
03:51 Tom Raftery:
03:53 Tom Raftery:
03:53 Tom Raftery:
03:54 Tom Raftery:
03:56 Tom Raftery:
03:58 Tom Raftery:
03:58 Tom Raftery:
04:00 Tom Raftery:
04:01 Tom Raftery:
04:01 Tom Raftery:
04:02 Tom Raftery:
04:09 cgarvey: Thanks again Tom!
04:09 Joe Garde: cheers tom
04:09 Tom Raftery: Thanks everyone for your time, interest and contributions