Out of curiosity, I decided to see if I could make a list of the top 10 data center focussed blogs. I did a bit of searching around, found around thirty blogs related to data centers (who knew they were so popular!). I went through the thirty blogs and eliminated them based on arbitrary things I made up on the spot like post frequency, off-topic posts, etc. until I came up with a list I felt was the best. Then I counted them and lo! I had exactly 10 – phew, no need to eliminate any of the good ones!
So without further ado – and in no particular order, I present you with my Top 10 Data Center blogs:
- Green (low carbon) Data Center blog – Dave Ohara’s famous blog on Monitoring, Modeling, and Meditating the Green Data Center
- Data Center Knowledge – one of the best known data center blogs
- The Server Room – a high volume blog of Intel staffers
- Data Center Design – from the consultants and engineers at PTS Data Center Solutions
- The Uptime Institute blog – as the name suggests, this is the blog of the Uptime Institute!
- N Plus One – another Uptime Institute blog, but this time more practical, less corporate
- Efficient Data Centers.com – despite the name, this is not at EfficientDataCenters.com – it is the blog of Jack Pouchet at Emerson
- Mark Thiele’s blog – Mark is the Founder & President of the industry practitioners group Data Center Pulse
- MS Datacenters – Microsoft’s data center blog
- Data Center Links – John Rath’s data center industry blog
What great data center blogs have I missed?
The chances are there are superb data center blogs out there which my extensive 15 seconds of research on the topic failed to uncover. If you know of any, feel free to leave them in the comments below.
Image credit Tom Raftery