Search Results for: "smart grid"


GreenMonk news roundup 10/02/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


GreenMonk news roundup 10/01/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


September 28th Energy and Sustainability show

Here is today’s GreenMonk Energy & Sustainability show. I had a couple of problems with the audio setup starting out so the show started a couple of minutes later than normal. Unfortunately, for some reason the quality of the video recorded by Ustream was atrocious (as you can see above – no idea why that was, must look into an alternative for next week). In the meantime, the links from the shownotes below may be of use.

This being the week following the GridWeek conference in the US, as expected there are many Smart Grid references!

03:35 Tom Raftery: Are we doing better now?
03:35 Joe Garde: thats it tom
03:36 Joe Garde: audio on!
03:36 Tom Raftery: Sorry about that
03:37 Tom Raftery:
03:38 Tom Raftery:
03:38 Tom Raftery:
03:41 Tom Raftery:
03:41 Joe Garde: all was fine
03:41 cgarvey: Worked OK, yup
03:42 cgarvey: The video’s site is for further info (if you want to do that to yourself!)
03:42 Joe Garde: shocking Tom
03:43 Tom Raftery:
03:45 Tom Raftery:
03:46 Tom Raftery:
03:47 Tom Raftery:
03:48 Tom Raftery:
03:49 Tom Raftery:
03:49 Tom Raftery:
03:50 Tom Raftery:
03:51 Tom Raftery:
03:51 Tom Raftery:
03:53 Tom Raftery:
03:53 Tom Raftery:
03:54 Tom Raftery:
03:56 Tom Raftery:
03:58 Tom Raftery:
03:58 Tom Raftery:
04:00 Tom Raftery:
04:01 Tom Raftery:
04:01 Tom Raftery:
04:02 Tom Raftery:
04:09 cgarvey: Thanks again Tom!
04:09 Joe Garde: cheers tom
04:09 Tom Raftery: Thanks everyone for your time, interest and contributions


GreenMonk news roundup 09/26/2009

  • he ubiquitous but highly inefficient 60-watt light bulb badly needs a makeover. And it could be worth millions in government prize money — and more in government contracts — to the first company that figures out how to do it.

    Right now, that company could be Philips, the Dutch electronics giant. The company announced on Thursday that it had submitted the first entry for the L Prize, an Energy Department contest that will award up to $10 million to the first person or group to create a new energy-sipping version of the most popular type of light bulb used in America.

    tags: incandescent, light bulb, philips, L prize, led, cfl, GreenNumbers, greenmonktv

  • The health of at least 7 million inhabitants in Moldavia and Ukraine is seriously threatened by a single stock of old pesticides.

    This has been reported by the International HCH and Pesticides Association (IHPA). According to the organization the EU must act as fast as possible to disarm this ‘biggest chemical time bomb of Europe’.

    tags: pesticides, pollution, ukraine, moldavia, hcb, GreenNumbers, greenmonktv

  • Commerce Secretary Gary Locke today unveiled an accelerated plan for developing standards to transform the U.S. power distribution system into a secure, more efficient and environmentally friendly Smart Grid and create clean-energy jobs.

    The draft of the report is available at

    Produced by the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the approximately 90-page document identifies about 80 initial standards that will enable the vast number of interconnected devices and systems that will make up the nationwide Smart Grid to communicate and work with each other. These standards will support interoperability of all the various pieces of the system—ranging from large utility companies down to individual homes and electronic devices. The report also lists a set of 14 “priority action plans” that address the most important gaps in the initial standard set.

    tags: commerce secretary, gary locke, nist, standards, smart grid standards, smart grid, greenmonktv

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


Green Numbers round-up 09/25/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


The Electricity 2.0 revolution has begun

Smart meter projects globally

This is a map of current smart meter/smart grid projects globally overlaid on Google maps.
Screenshot credit Me(!)

I wrote my first Greenmonk post about Smart Grids and Demand Response back in April 2008 and followed up with a few more in the next few weeks including one in June 2008 where I said the electrical distribution system needed to be more like the Internet. Those posts were extremely cutting edge at the time but the world has caught up considerably in the last 18 months due in no small part to the election of Barack Obama and the focus on energy efficiency in his stimulus package!

Under Obama’s administration the US Dept of Energy announced in June of this year the rules for $3.9billion in Smart Grid stimulus grants. The first winners of $3.9 billion in smart grid stimulus grants will be announced in mid-November according to DOE deputy press secretary Jen Stutsman.

In a very positive move earlier this week, US Energy Secretary Steven Chu endorsed the importance of Demand Response as part of the solution when he said that electricity costs should move to reflect demand. Secretary Chu went further though arguing for the kind of automated Demand Response we have proposed here on GreenMonk when he said:

“Price signals do matter, but you can’t just simply use a price signal,” Chu said. “You really have to make it very easy to save energy.”

Consumers need to have a very simple system that will provide them with specific information about their energy use and they should be able to adjust their appliances so that they run mostly during non-peak energy hours

Adrian Tuck, CEO of Tendril announced last week that mass market home energy management is three years away. Obviously, being the CEO of a company in the space, he would say that, wouldn’t he? But looking at the slew of announcements which came out of the Gridweek conference (see below) it is hard to fault his optimism.

And just yesterday U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) presented for public comment a major new report on Smart Grid interoperability standards. The approximately 90-page document [pdf] identifies about 80 initial standards that will enable the vast number of interconnected devices and systems that will make up the US Smart Grid to communicate and work with each other.

You know that the administration is taking Smart Grids seriously when the Commerce Secretary presents for public comment a report on standards!

This week saw the GridWeek conference happening in Washington DC and with it a massive slew of Smart Grid related news. I’ll try to do a quick round-up of the main stories:



Smart Cities


Other Announcements

With finance, administration backing and so many announcements (many of which are worthy of blog posts in their own right) there is no doubt but that the Smart Grid train has well and truly left the station. There are still a significant number of issues to be addressed by companies involved in the Smart Grid space. Some companies will founder, some deployments will fail (esp as utilities are notoriously bad at customer communications!) but there is no doubt that finally the Electricity 2.0 revolution has begun – there’s no turning back now.


GreenMonk news roundup 09/24/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


GreenMonk news roundup 09/19/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


Green Numbers round-up 09/18/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


Reflections on Logica’s analyst day

Logica Portugal

I attended a Logica Analyst briefing earlier this week in Logica’s recently opened International Utilities Competence Center (pictured above).

The days was chock full of talks from both Logica staff and also from João Torres, President & CEO EDP Distribuição – the Portuguese DSO, and a Logica customer.

Most of the talks were very interesting but two that stood out for me were the ones given by João Torres where he discussed EDP’s smart grid project, called InovGrid and the demo of RMS (Renewables Management System) by Jose Antunes and Rita Burnay. RMS is Logica’s software for managing remote windfarms.

In discussing InovGrid João explained that despite the costs of rolling out a smart grid, EDP felt that the benefits outweighed the costs. The main benefits João saw from smart grids were:

  • increase intelligence, supervision and control of the network
  • improve the efficiency and quality of the electricity supply
  • facilitate the maximising the amount of micro and distributed generation on the grid
  • enable smart metering and smart energy management

InovGrid is one of the most advanced smart grid projects in Europe. EDP now has 3,000 micro-generators on its grid and expects to have 200,000 smart meters installed by the end of 2010.

João was extremely open during his presentation. When asked which communication protocol was best for a smart grid, he said he felt PLC was best but he admitted that it had issues. EDP, he said, have a team assessing protocols and that a lot of the details are still to be decided.

Jose Antunes and Rita Burnay gave a demonstration of Logica’s windfarm management software RMS. The software is designed to manage large numbers of remote wind turbines and allows for quick and easy drill down on information. In the demo, we were shown RMS’s live feed from over 2,000 wind turbines all over the Iberian peninsula. The software collects and stores 300-400 data points from each turbine in realtime simultaneously.

As Jose said, wind turbines typically cost in the order of €1m per MW so one of the main functions of RMS is to minimise downtime of turbines. However, because it also stores all the historical data for turbines, it is able to plot performance of each turbine against the manufacturers SLA’s. I can see this being a popular screen!

Jose also told us that Logica are taking over the management of all of EDP’s wind turbines in Europe and the America’s. This will mean they will increase the current portfolio they are managing from 2GW to 10GW (though I don’t imagine all 10GW will be under one instance of RMS!

Logica’s Chris Beard gave a fascinating talk on a new Logica offering called Smart Office but I’ll come back to that in a separate post.